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July 9, 2024

Wrapping Up With A Laugh... It's Summer Break for Darryl and René

Wrapping Up With A Laugh... It's Summer Break for Darryl and René

Ready to wrap up Season 2 with a bang? Join Darryl and René for a special, fun-filled finale you won't want to miss! 

In this shorter, lighthearted episode, the guys blend hilarious insights and reflections on this season's most memorable moments. They cover everything from prenups and kids' education to the art of integrating humour into marketing. Plus, they dive into heartfelt conversations about aging parents again and share some surprising news about Darryl's OnlyFans account.

Hit play now and soak in the final dose of Season 2 goodness! And remember, it's never too late to catch up on any episodes you may have missed. Don't miss the laughs, the stories, and the heartfelt thanks to our amazing listeners. See you in Season Three! 


Darryl [00:00:00]:
So we had this couple come over to the house the other day, and you know that I'm not a sandals guy. I love shoes. I don't like my feet out if I'm at the beach. Yes, I'll wear sandals.

René [00:00:11]:
You're freaking weird that way. I love sandals.

Darryl [00:00:14]:
I know. I don't. I don't know why. It's just something about it.

René [00:00:16]:
I respect you enough to respect that.

Darryl [00:00:20]:
But we had this couple over, and I didn't have a chance to put on socks or anything. I had sandals. I was cleaning up the backyard, and they came over, and the first thing the wife says to me, she looks down at my feet, and she's like, I never noticed you had beautiful feet before.

René [00:00:34]:

Darryl [00:00:35]:
And I was like, oh. Oh, thanks. Thanks. And then the husband looks at my feet, and he's like, those are, like, OnlyFans type feet.

René [00:00:42]:
There you go. So you're converted.

Darryl [00:00:44]:
Well, it was completely awkward. Cause I'm like, what the hell just happened here? I'm like, first off, I don't even like this at all. And so, you know, we had our little dinner party. They left, and then I couldn't stop thinking about it. And I said to my wife, I'm like, that was so weird about my feet. She's like, oh, they were just saying, you have nice feet. I said, I'm not worried about them, what they think about my feet. Do they subscribe to OnlyFans?

René [00:01:07]:
Some feet account, maybe?

Darryl [00:01:10]:
Cause that's all I can think about.

René [00:01:11]:
That's why we did a few episodes less this season. Because you're too busy with OnlyFans.

Darryl [00:01:16]:
That's it.

René [00:01:17]:
Your account is blowing up.

Darryl [00:01:20]:
Gonna get my little piggies out there. This is Taming the Hustle...

René [00:01:24]:
or Something of the Sorts

Darryl [00:01:46]:
Well, I'm sure our listeners noticed by the title of the episode and by the length that this is a bit of a shorter one.

René [00:01:52]:
Yeah, man.

Darryl [00:01:53]:
Because we're gonna take a summer break.

René [00:01:55]:
Not because we deserve it. Because we want it.

Darryl [00:01:58]:
That's right.

René [00:01:59]:
You never deserve a vacation. But sometimes you need one.

Darryl [00:02:02]:
Yes. Yeah. I don't want to end up on one of those true crime podcasts.

René [00:02:07]:
Oh because if you spend any more time with me, you risk killing me, is that it?

Darryl [00:02:10]:
I think it's the other way around, to be quite honest. But I don't want to be the victim in a true crime podcast.

René [00:02:15]:
I don't know, man. You start wearing flip flops, you might be a little more tolerable.

Darryl [00:02:18]:
You might listen to me a little more.

René [00:02:20]:
Yeah. I'll never stare at you in the eyes again, though. I'll be busy looking at your feet.

Darryl [00:02:24]:
Hey, that's $19.95 a month, buddy.

René [00:02:28]:
I thought we were friends.

Darryl [00:02:29]:
That is the friends and family discount.

René [00:02:32]:
Yeah. On that note, it's funny that you'll have a buddy who's a contractor, and you'll ask him for a solid and expect him to help you for free. But if your friend's a dentist, he never asked for a deal. It's kind of weird how that works, eh?

Darryl [00:02:45]:
It is. I know.

René [00:02:46]:
Your buddies, your proctologist. Well, I guess I can't use that one. Healthcare is free in Canada.

Darryl [00:02:51]:

René [00:02:51]:
Well, free. That's subjective.

Darryl [00:02:53]:

René [00:02:53]:
The amount of fucking taxes you and I pay in a year.

Darryl [00:02:56]:
No kidding. In the meantime, you guys can catch up on all the insights, tips, and so many laughs you may have missed over the season. Actually, the last two seasons. Can't believe we're finishing season two.

René [00:03:07]:
Looking over the topics that we've discussed in some of the episodes we've had. Man, it's been. We've had some really good material.

Darryl [00:03:13]:
So you've had some golden nuggets. Everything from prenups to kids education, chatting about when the right time takes CPP. That was a great one. And the capital gains one. Oh, my God. So many people message us saying they thought capital gains tax only applied to rich business owners. They had no idea it affects them with their family cottage or condo rental or whatever.

René [00:03:32]:
And I couldn't stop thinking of anything else after you said CPP because that remind me of the episode where you talked about you couldn't pee in public.

Darryl [00:03:40]:
Oh, my God. I still can't.

René [00:03:42]:
Are you worried someone's gonna see your pee pee?

Darryl [00:03:44]:
You know, I have to tell this quick story, is I went into a meeting last week in Toronto, and you just redid your office. And it's very beautiful, but I'm so happy you didn't redo it like this company did. I'm all for modernizing your business and making it look pretty, but I went into the bathroom, and there is one stall, and there's a couple urinals, and there was a lineup at the urinals. And I walk in, I'm like, oh, but I see the stall door open. I went in, the stalls are glass, and they're frosted. And there's a light above you, so you're like a silhouette to everyone else. Your outline of your body is being projected. So I stood there holding my penis.

René [00:04:22]:
That's amazing.

Darryl [00:04:23]:
It was the worst ever. It's like, I might as well have just stood at the frickin urinal.

Darryl [00:04:27]:

Darryl [00:04:28]:
Modernize your ship. But put the walls to the floor and make them solid, for God's sakes.

René [00:04:33]:
At least they were frosted.

Darryl [00:04:35]:
The guys on the other side are like, is that dude just holding his penis the whole time? Is he ever gonna pee? Cause they're not seeing the stream.

René [00:04:42]:
So that's how Darryl wipes his ass. That's insane.

Darryl [00:04:46]:
On the marketing end of things, it was so great to hear from business owners this season and marketing managers. Our episodes about marketing budgets, business location, my basic marketing essentials, and scaling your business was a huge episode. So many businesses try to scale their business to look bigger and better when the time just isn't right.

René [00:05:03]:
Yeah. And I wanted to mention if anyone missed our last episode. I have to say, Darryl, that our topic on integrating humour in marketing was probably one of my favourite topics. Just loved it.

Darryl [00:05:12]:
It was a funny one, that's for sure.

René [00:05:14]:
Yeah, maybe that's why I liked it. Represents a lot of what we do and what we stand for. Humour, man, you got to live life on the lighter side.

Darryl [00:05:22]:
Yeah, definitely. And our lifestyle topics, I know we talk about me peeing, and that's a pretty big lifestyle topic, but this season we talked about cancel culture, which was one of my favorite topics, and the reset vacation, which is what we're going to try to do this summer.

René [00:05:36]:
Yeah, except you and I both have a pretty big to do list, so.

Darryl [00:05:39]:
Oh, no kidding.

René [00:05:40]:
I don't know. I'm coming back in September and I'm going to be any more rested, but.

Darryl [00:05:44]:
And we also had an episode about having that talk with your aging parents. And that one not only got the wheel spinning for countless people, but we got a crazy amount of messages from people saying they never thought of actually having that conversation or that they actually did it.

René [00:05:59]:
I legit had people pulling me aside, telling me how relevant that was and how it was important to them because they were going through it.

Darryl [00:06:05]:
I had to talk with my parents, and they listened to this podcast, and I'm going to hear about this, but I need to share this because not everything's perfect in life. Had to talk with my parents. They completely understood. Everything was great. Got the wheel spinning. And then once things started to get real, it was like the pumping of the brakes. They were like, whoa, hold on. We're not that old yet.

Darryl [00:06:24]:
We're still good. Again, they listen to this podcast, and I'm going to get in trouble for this. I might not get a Christmas gift, but their logic behind we are not as old as you think. But then they call me and they're like, you know, so and so died today, and so and so died yesterday. And when all your friends are passing away and you're one of the few left.

René [00:06:45]:
Here's your sign.

Darryl [00:06:45]:

René [00:06:46]:
Funniest thing with my dad. I mean, we have these conversations regularly enough. But the funniest thing is when winter comes around, my dad's got this big window in front of his house, so he kind of people watches as he sits in his room.

Darryl [00:06:57]:
Yeah, yeah.

René [00:06:57]:
He has these friends that snowshoe and so do we. And I go snowshoeing with my father regularly and Meghan. And so every day he kind of keeps tabs on who's out on our trails because we have like 5-6 kilometres of trails behind. He lives like at the edge of the town. So this couple, he calls them the old couple. So he'll message me or he'll call me and he's like, oh, the old couple just went snowshoeing there. I asked them how the trail was and it was good. So I finally meet these people.

René [00:07:22]:
They're like 65 years old. Maybe they just retired. My dad's 80. Yeah, he doesn't see himself. He still thinks he's 30. So he sees this couple and he's like, oh, yeah, the old couple went snowshoeing this morning.

Darryl [00:07:37]:
That's so funny. You know what? I'm guilty of that, too. I'm 44 years old and there are times where like, I'm on a set or something and there's a bunch of 30 year olds or 25 year olds and we are chatting and I feel like I'm one of their peers.

René [00:07:51]:
Yeah. Yeah. It's like that photo I sent you was something I found on instagram. It says Gen X. The only generation that became 30 at the age of ten and still acts like they're 30 at the age of 50.

Darryl [00:08:04]:

René [00:08:05]:
This is a picture of two kids on a three wheeler. Oh, my God. We tip those things so many times. No helmets. Fucking.

Darryl [00:08:13]:
No kidding. Oh, that's so funny. That is me, though. And I. So I can relate with our parents in that sense of never feeling old except when my back goes out. Man, I feel really old at that point.

René [00:08:25]:
Yeah, you feel like a baby because you're crying.

Darryl [00:08:28]:
Exactly. So every episode we give tips and tricks and insights and I can't leave you with nothing today. So here's a fun thing. This summer, if you want to binge marketing or binge financial planning or binge our lifestyle topics, whether you're on our website. And Spotify now has this feature. But look for our chapter markers where you can easily click and jump right to any topic.

René [00:08:51]:
Oh, that's a great idea.

Darryl [00:08:52]:
It's pretty cool.

René [00:08:53]:
You want to recap all the episodes and you want to binge just the marketing. That's what you could do.

Darryl [00:08:57]:
Yeah. Or if you're René and you're like, I do not want to hear Darryl talk, I feel like you're googling. How can I put chapter markers into my best friend?

René [00:09:07]:
No, I'm not googling. I'm giggling.

Darryl [00:09:10]:
All right, remember to follow us on Instagram @tamingthehustle for some fun summer content. And good or bad, we'd love to hear from you. So drop us a message or give us a review. And if you love the podcast, subscribe wherever you listen. And here's the thing. We're not your secret boyfriends. Share us with your friends. Let them know about this podcast.

Darryl [00:09:30]:
By you sharing our podcast, we go from secret affair to an orgy. That sounds so much better.

René [00:09:37]:
I love it.

Darryl [00:09:39]:
Lastly, we want to thank each and every one of you for listening and supporting the show and always being so positive and being so inquisitive. When you push play, it honestly means the world to us. This podcast came to be because we were both constantly asked questions about our industry. And with so much do it yourself out there, it was important to answer some of those questions and share a few laughs along the way.

René [00:09:58]:
Yeah. So you hear from us all the time when we're talking on this podcast. We'd love to hear from you.

Darryl [00:10:02]:
Exactly. So keep asking questions, keep striving to be better. Please enjoy the summer, and we'll be back.

René [00:10:08]: